I love exercising! For most of my adult life, exercise has been part of my daily regimen. In fact, until I got pregnant, I had never gone more than a few months without doing some daily cardio and muscle toning. So, after nine months of pregnancy and three months of putt-putting, it's nice to be back in the swing of things. Now, I'm not saying that it is just the best thing in the world and I want to do it all the time and I'm certainly not Heidi Klum with her "I'm back on the runway six weeks after giving birth", but exercising makes me feel good about myself and you just can't beat that.
Exercising also gives me an hour to do something just for me. As most of you moms out there know, being a stay-at-home mom can sometimes seem to take up your entire life. Trying to balance a new baby, a jealous puppy, a house, and the thousand errands that seem to come up, is not a walk in the park; and before I started exercising again, I was in a bad pattern of never scheduling "me time". Now, no matter what I'm doing, 5-6 days a week for 1-hour, I'm just me!
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