Thursday, February 4, 2010

Things I Love: Day 4

Day 4: Staying at home with Aubrey and Coltrane

I could list a thousand benefits and probably not cover half of them, but really what it comes down to is that being at home with my kids is a gift. I always wanted to stay at home when I had kids but I was never very sure that it would happen.

Through many failed relationships with men that felt money was power, I was very afraid that becoming a stay at home mom might mean that my husband would become my boss. With Clay, that thought rarely crosses my mind any more. Staying at home is my job and my husband is completely supportive and if anything, sometimes jealous.

I also thought that staying at home might mean living in a studio apartment with a mattress on the floor and ramen noodles for dinner every night. However, through much planning, cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and my husband's two to three jobs, we manage to stay on our feet and find little ways to live it up every now and then.

So, now, I proudly announce to the world that I am a stay at home mom! Some people look at me with sadness in their eyes as if to assume that I must be miserable, others look at me with envy in their hearts, and I look at my self with pure happiness. Most of all though, I look at and think of my husband almost every day with more gratefulness than he may every know. Because without his support, sacrifice, and hard work, none of this could be possible!Thank you Clay, for making my dreams come true!

PAXbaby Peace and Love

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