Day 12: I love my daughter, Aubrey
Before Aubrey, my heart felt full but now it is constantly overflowing. No matter what accomplishments my life has to offer, carrying, giving birth to, and having the opportunity to raise my child will always top everything else...(well, almost everything but we'll save that for day 13).
Aubrey is the center of my world. She is constantly reminding me to savor the little things. With each day, there is a new challenge and a new milestone. She is a determined, independent, and bright baby who is already showing a spark of the woman she will become.
I treasure each and every day with her and feel honored to be her mother!
Day 13: I love my husband, Clay
I've always loved telling people the story of how we met because it is quite a doozy! My best friend at the time had been hanging out with her ex from high school (her first boyfriend) and decided to bring him to a BBQ to meet us. It wasn't much of an introduction at the time. We talked about music and compared brownie recipes but that was pretty much it. Yes, there was a spark but I wasn't quite sure that my bf, Lauren, wasn't still kinda into him so things were pretty cut and dry for me!
A month later, Clay joined us on a trip to Bonnaroo and that's where everything began. Throughout the trip, there were glances and casual conversation but nothing too serious. But as the trip came to an end, I started to sense that there was something between us; so, at the end of the trip, when we were deciding who would ride with who, Lauren and I fought over who would ride with Clay (our friend, Ann, was in the other car and not in the greatest of moods so Lauren didn't want to ride with her). Needless to say, I won the battle and it may have been the best battle I have every won!
When we finally made it home, we said an awkward good bye and I thought that that might be it! However, a few weeks later, Lauren invited Clay to see a band with us; and I guess he felt something too because shortly after that, he asked Lauren if I was trouble and if she would mind if he dated me. Being a girl, Lauren instantly told me what had happened and we started discussing the possibility of me dating Clay.
I wasn't so sure about the whole thing since I was recently single and Clay was moving across the country in less than a month but I decided not to worry about it until he asked. Well, he invited us to a going away party that week and barely said a thing to me the whole time I was there. Then, he was supposed to meet us at a club later and never showed!
After I got home, I called Lauren and told her that I was swearing off men! I was tired of all the drama. While I was on the phone with her, Clay called her and got my number. She told me that he was going to call me and that I should go out with him.
It's pretty much history from there. We dated for two weeks before he moved to MT. Within the month, I followed him and we've been together ever since!