Lately, my daughter has started grabbing at whatever she can put her hands on while she is eating. Unless, I have a toy ready, I am being slapped, pulled on, and having my clothes and worst of all necklaces yanked every which way.
Well, I recently stumbled onto what I think is a brilliant solution to this sometimes irritating event. They are called nursing necklaces and they are basically brilliant. They are supposed to be durable enough for a child to pull on without being broken and they are also I nice accessory for moms, most of whom have probably stopped wearing jewelry if they are going through anything like what I have been experiencing.
Now I must attest to the fact that I am yet to be in possession of one of these awesome necklaces and therefore cannot fully review their functionality. However, I would like to give you a few websites that seem to be the neatest at the most reasonable prices so that you can try them out for yourself. I would love to here from anyone that has a nursing necklace so feel free to leave me a comment!
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