Sunday, May 30, 2010

Facebook's Battle Against the Breastfeeding Breast (not to be confused with all other breasts)

Lately, there seems to be an uproar on facebook every time a mother posts a picture of herself while breastfeeding. Facebook has deemed these pictures inappropriate and is constantly deleting them from profiles. So the question comes to mind, what is so bad about seeing a woman breastfeed her child?

My first assumption would be that it was the visual of an exposed breast. However, as you can see from these pictures (gathered from random people's profile pics), facebook does not seem to have an issue with exposure!

So, I am led to believe that breastfeeding pictures have some other indecent feature to them. Perhaps it has more to do with the belief that breastfeeding is gross, shameful,or maybe just something that should be hidden from public view? What do you think, does this seem shameful to you?

If breastfeeding is viewed as gross or offensive, it is based on that individual's own hang ups and should not be deemed worthy of deletion any more than a person that doesn't like seeing obesity should cause facebook to start deleting all obese people's profile pictures.

In fact, if less people treated breastfeeding as such a big thing, maybe we wouldn't be having the same problems trying to increase the rate and duration of breastfeeding, which would ultimately lead to healthier children and less obesity and childhood diabetes (among other things). Does anything sound bad about that?

So please join me in the fight against facebook and join this group to show your support for allowing breastfeeding pictures on facebook. In addition, the next time you see a mother feeding her child the best food on earth, let her know that you commend her for a job well done! Maybe with a little support and encouragement, we can lead our society into a healthier and happier future!

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